Roundtable on drafting the Psychologist Loyalty Order

On June 5th, 2014, the ACPPS joined other NGOs in one of the meetings regarding the Draft Law on the Loyalty Order of the Psychologist in Albania organized by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, UNICEF and the Department of Psychology at the Albanian State University. Introductory proposals on our behalf with the afore side body aim at the appropriate standardized qualification of the psychologists.
Furthermore, find our proposal on the differentiation between psychology and psychotherapy as practising professions.
“A psychologist, as determined by Articlce 6, Items b and c, cannot practice psychotherapy, as the latter is a science and occupation per se, separated from psychology, thereby requiring special qualification with very rigorous criteria on theoretical training, self-analysis as well as supervised pscycotherapy practice”.
(See Strasbourg declaration, 1990 on Psychotherapy, Thus, “psychotherapy” cannot be determined as a psychologist working practice.